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What's the Shakedown?

On November 13th, 2016, Gamma Iota Sigma Delta Tau hosted its second annual Sig Delt Shakedown at the University of Hartford. Sig Delt Shakedown was the first event of its kind at the University- a dance competition that raised money for Prevent Child Abuse America and various other philanthropies.


In months prior to the event, six sororities including Sigma Delta Tau choreographed a dance to be performed, as well as raised money for their own individual philanthropies. The chapter that raised the most money got to keep all of their funds, and the winner of the dance competition was named the first Sig Delt Shakedown champion.


The event was a huge success- Sigma Delta Tau alone raised over $8,350 for Prevent Child Abuse America, beating it's own record, as the most money any Greek organization has ever raised for a philanthropic event. This earned the ladies campus-wide recognition, including a front page feature in the Hartford Informer, the campus newspaper, and recognition from the Center of Community Service. 


After a successful two years, SDT cannot wait to see what the next year brings, and they hope to make each year bigger and better than the next!

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